Friday, January 19, 2018

Chapter 6: The Best. Thing. Yet.

Marry me.

Sometimes you get something that makes you think "I wish I had thought of this!" or "This is so cool!" or "This just changed my life!" 

This thing makes me think all of those things. 

And more.

I legitimately don't know when I was so excited about something. 

This thing is so freaking awesome that I didn't even want to write about it because:

1. Now everyone will get one and when people come over for drinks and get to play with it, it won't be as much fun and they won't think "Man, that was the coolest thing!" (yes, I am that petty)

2. The awesomeness of this thing has so many layers to it that it's hard to try and explain it all in one post. Seriously. 

Time to end the suspense. I now present to you The Best Thing I've Bought So Far:

The Perfect Drink 2.0

What is it? Where to start. It's a scale, and it comes with a cocktail shaker (but you can use your own shaker, or a glass, or a pitcher, or whatever). 

Here's how it works: you download the Perfect Drink app to your iPad/iPhone. Then, turn on the scale and use Bluetooth to pair it to your device. Then, go through the app and cruise through more than 400 drink recipes until you find the one you want to drunk. 

Drink. The one you want to drink.

Then, put your cocktail shaker or glass or pitcher or whatever on the scale, and do what the app tells you: pour vodka until it tells you to stop. Pour vanilla vodka until it tells you to stop. Pour pineapple vodka until it tells you to stop. You get the picture. 

No jiggers necessary. No measuring. Just do what the app tells you! 

Oh, did you "accidentally" overpour that vodka (of course you did). No sweat -- the app knows and adjusts the recipe accordingly!

I know. It's awesome. But wait, because it gets so much more awesomer. 

1. The app is GOOD. Even if you don't have the scale, the app has great recipes in it. Drinks you really want to make, not a bunch of drinks that sound gross. And they regularly add new capsule collections -- recently they added a new collection created by a husband & wife mixology team who I might know if I ever looked at anything on YouTube, apparently.

2. The app is SMART. You can use the "liquor cabinet" feature to tell the app all the stuff you have in your liquor cabinet, and then ask the app to only show you recipes that you have all the stuff to make. Brilliant! And if you're browsing through all the recipes after you've set up your liquor cabinet, each recipe has a little icon on it showing how many of the needed ingredients you have on hand. Of course, you can also search the app by spirit, or keyword too. 

3. The app is DRUNK-FRIENDLY. In addition to the whole "buzzed people are bad at measuring" issue that this thing avoids from the jump, it also lets you set up a "menu" of cocktail recipes. So let's say you're having a party. You go through and decide what drinks you want your guests to be able to make and add them to the menu. Then set up the app to just show your menu of cocktails, and set out only those boozes you want folks to use and everyone can self-bartend using whatever you want them to use and make delicious cocktails with just those items.

The app is there for YOU. Can't find a recipe you like (really???), that's okay. The app is here for you...just enter your own recipe and the app does the rest. 

But, wait. I'm just getting started.

The company has two other apps: Perfect Bake and Perfect Blend. 

Mmmm hmmm. Things are about to get awesomer. 

The company has two other apps -- Perfect Bake which is a collection of baking recipes (in case you hadn't deduced that already) and Perfect Blend, which is a partnership app with VitaMix and is all about smoothies. 

That's right, y'all -- you can use your scale with all three apps! Put your mixing bowl up on the scale, fire up Perfect Bake and add flour until it tells you to stop. Add chocolate chips until it tells you to stop. And then eat a handful of chocolate chips. It's easy, it's precise, and it really minimizes clean up. 

And then there are the smoothies. You tell the Perfect Blend app what kind of blender you're working with and then put the container on the scale and start adding what the app tells you to add and then smoothie your brains out. 

This thing is freaking AWESOME.

Did I mention: this thing is less than $20?

I don't know why you're still reading this.

Go buy one. NOW.

Note: The company makes two versions of the scale -- the 2.0 which is the basic scale I'm reviewing here, and the Pro. The price difference is significant, so you might start with the basic and if you decide you like it and will use it often, maybe upgrade to the Pro which has a digital display screen and a few other bells and whistles, but honestly isn't necessarily worth the upgrade price for everyone. Both the basic 2.0 and Pro scales work with all three apps. 

Pro Tip: The price on the Perfect Bake Pro, Perfect Blend Pro and Perfect Drink Pro are different -- on the day I checked, the Perfect Drink was more than $20 more than the other two Pro models. The scale is identical and can be used with all three apps regardless of which you purchase, and the only difference is what comes with the scale -- a cocktail shaker a smoothie travel cup or baking bowls. Since you can use your own shaker or bowl, you might just want to buy the cheapest one. 

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