Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Chapter 8: The one where I stick needles in my face

Come on baby, make it hurt so good....

You probably wouldn't think that sticking needles into your face over and over again would be a good thing. 

And, yet....

As time marches on and things start to...well, let's just say no one thinks I'm 25 anymore. You know what I'm sayin'. 

Do not go quietly into that good night, y'all! Well, I guess you can go quietly, but for the love of God, don't go all wrinkly and blotchy and saggy and dull and old-lookin'. Resist!

If you opened any door, drawer, or cabinet in my bathroom you would think you fell into the skincare section of a ginormous Sephora. I'm not bragging. It's actually embarrassing. I think about how much money I've spent on lotions and potions and serums and you-name-it...well...let's just say I could have bought a lot of snacks with that money. 

A lot.

But, now? 

I feel like these new soldiers in my anti-aging army are The Ones I've been looking for! Finally! They're like the bad ass old people soldiers in that movie with Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren! 

This is the Helen Mirren of skincare tools! Because I feel like Helen Mirren would totally stab me in the face with teeny tiny needles and tell me to stop whining and that she's only doing it for my own good. 

This is a micro-roller. It's covered in tiny little needles. And you roll this thing all over your face. Basically, you just stab yourself in the face. Over and over and over. Just like Helen Mirren would do!

That sounds great, right? How could that not be awesome?

So why is this not the worst idea ever? Science. These little needles make tiny wounds all over your face. Which does two things: 

1. It makes tiny little holes that are open to whatever serum or treatment you put on immediately afterward, so it helps the ingredients penetrate and do their j-o-b.

2. It stimulates your skin to make new collagen to help heal the teeny tiny holes. And collagen is the good stuff that makes your skin dewy and glowy and plumpy and baby-y. 

After reading a bunch of stuff from skincare experts/dermatologists, I opted to try this one. There are rollers with longer needles, but from what I read, that's not necessarily the best thing...and definitely not the way you want to start. Ease yourself into stabbing yourself in the face.

Let me be clear: I have really sensitive shite skin. It's combination skin. I have pores that can double as places to store spare change...or snacks. I have rosacea and my capillaries are as fragile as a certain orange man's ego. 

I was really unsure about this thing. 

But I figured, hey, what's the worst that could happen? (Okay, so the worst that could happen would be that I stab myself in the face repeatedly and break all my capillaries and wreck my skin irreversibly.)

So I started with once a week. 

Now it's twice a week and I think that's plenty for me. And I think it's making a real difference. A BIG one. 

I'm using a serum of Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C both before and after stabbing myself in the face.  And, one of the two times a week I use it, I use a collagen sheet mask afterward. 

I'm not gonna lie: my skin looks so good that I didn't even put an instagram filter on my most recent selfie. 

Dammmmmn. High praise, indeed. 

I understand that some people move on to longer needles or more frequent use. Your mileage may vary. 

I expected this to be just One More Thing In My Drawer. But it isn't -- it's my new must-have and I highly recommend it. Oh, and did I mention it's cheaper than the last bottle of snail serum I bought at the K-Beauty store? 

Get you one, girl. For real.

P.S. As an added bonus, I'm linking to the serum I'm using, too. It's straightforward in its ingredients and well-priced, hasn't caused any negative reaction from my hypersensitive skin and is giving me good results. Oh, and added bonus bonus: these are the sheet masks I'm using. I freaking glow, girl. 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Chapter 7: As I was saying....

Ooooo...look who's fancy
You probably noticed I haven't posted one of these for a while. 

Okay, pretend like you noticed. 

I was locked in a fierce battle with Amazon regarding my affiliate links. After six wildly popular posts and countless purchases made via my links (okay, when I say "countless," I think it was probably more like five, but let's not quibble), I got an email from Amazon saying "Oh, it looks like you're linking from Facebook. Thanks, but we won't pay you for links posted to Facebook."

Which is so dumb.

But, ultimately, me and my five dryer ball referrals were no match for Amazon's twisted logic and they screwed me out of that 30 cents. The Man got me. 

But now I'm back. And ready to show them that I'm the real winner here...6 cents at a time.

So if you decide to buy something I review, click on the link from the blog page. Please. And thank you. 

And, thank you to all of you who did actually go buy stuff! Honestly, when I decided to do this dumb thing, I really didn't think anyone was gonna go buy stuff. So it's been kind of fun to hear from you guys who bought one of these items and like it. Spoiler alert: sheep balls are lifechanging. Told ya.

And now...on with the show. 

From time to time, I post a selfie here and there. Usually when I get bored. Or I'm snowed in (hence my series of holiday-themed selfies). And sometimes friends are kind enough to say things like "Wow! You look amazing! That doesn't even look like you at all!"


So, what's my secret? Instagram filters, obviously. The ones that blow out all your features so you just look like two disembodied eyes floating in a vaguely flesh-colored and face-shaped space. Or like Cybill Shepard in Moonlighting when it looked like they smeared Vaseline all over the camera lens every time they shot her. And I've mastered the brightness/contrast settings to make the most of the magic that is an Instagram filter.

So, there you have it!

Okay...there is one more thing. 

This little baby. 

Release your inner glamazon with this on-the-go light that clips onto your phone and gives you the full-face lighting of your selfie dreams. Because the more light you have, the fewer wrinkles you "have"!

There are a blue million versions of this thing on the Amazon, but I settled on this one for two reasons:

1. It's rechargeable, so no batteries. 
2. It has three levels of brightnesses. 

The only thing I don't like about it is the color temperature. The LEDs are a cool white, which isn't that warm, buttery Kardashian-y GlamourShot(TM) light...but, and stop me if you've heard this one: the right Instagram filter can fix that for you!

There probably is one on Amazon that has the warm color temperature that I prefer, but seriously, did I mention there are a blue million of these things on Amazon? I don't have that kind of time. It's not like I have a research team over here scouring Amazon for stuff. 

So, go ahead, give in to the call of the selfie siren and make your selfies oh-so-swipe-right-able. Everyone takes them, so stop rolling your eyes and start smizing. It's time you stopped making duckface lips and taking photos of yourself in the bathroom where you didn't notice until it was too late that the mirror shows everyone that box of hemorrhoid cream on the cabinet behind you, and oh by the way, I can also see that you don't have any pants on. 

Treat yo'self! Give yourself a pro-level selfie game that will make your teenage daughter jealous. 

You deserve it.